At Bellaire Dental Excellence, we focus on ensuring the joints of your jaw are sound, your tissues are healthy, and your teeth, muscles, and jaw all work together for optimal health and comfort. TMJD, or temporomandibular joint disorder, refers to a group of disorders affecting the joint that joins the jaw to the skull (temporomandibular joint, or TMJ). This disorder often results in discomfort or pain, difficulty with the jaw, earaches, and migraines.

If you have any of the following symptoms,

• Prevalent pain or soreness in the jaw, especially at certain times of the day
• A popping or clicking sound when the mouth is opened or closed
• Trouble opening and closing the mouth or chewing
• Misaligned bite
• An earache not caused by infection
• A toothache not caused by infection or other dental health issues
• Jaw pain when chewing, biting, yawning or speaking
• A ”locked” or stiff jaw when chewing, biting, yawning, or speaking
• Recurring tension headaches or migraines, especially if present upon waking
• Recent changes to your bite

There are many ways to treat TMJD, just as there are many causes and symptoms. One way is the use of therapeutic BOTOX®. When injected into the sore TMJ muscles, BOTOX relieves the jaw tension and pain. Dr. Altieri will discuss with you your options for TMJD treatment. If you are interested in learning more about TMJD and what we can do for you, please give us a call.